Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Skin Deterioration Due To Insomnia

Those who know me personally know I have weird sleeping patterns that 
changes like the seasons. Oh boy, what can I say? I'm not sure if this is hormonal changes or whatsoever...There will be hell days whereby I won't feel sleepy at all and stay up all night like a nocturnal being. Then, there will be days whereby I sleep as early as 8pm. 

My skin seems to deteriorate lately as for the past three weeks, I had late nights and trust me when people say sleep is important - it really IS! No amount of day/night creams, serums, or face packs/masks will work wonder to your skin if you don't get enough rest. Cos these products will pair with body rest (sleep) to bring the magic to your skin.

I really need alot of products slapped on my face now for real! And enough 
rest....ZzzzzzZZzz need my sleep badly but I can't sleep! And please don't 
suggest sleeping pills cos I don't take them.


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